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Jikan Research Institute secures contract for key power transmission project in Congo


Recently, China Jikan Research Institute of Engineering Investigations and Design Co., Ltd. (Jikan Research Institute), a subsidiary of Sinomach, signed a contract over the Boundji-Ewo Power Transmission & Transformation Project in the Republic of the Congo (ROC).

Jikan Research Institute signed a contract over the Boundji-Ewo Power Transmission & Transformation Project in the ROC. [Photo/Jikan Research Institute]

Located in the Cuvette-Ouest region of the ROC, the project includes the construction of a 69.80-kilometer-long 110kV transmission line and a 110kV substation. It is a major project in the ROC's endeavors to build a power energy corridor.

According to the cooperation deal, Jikan Research Institute is mainly responsible for civil engineering, the repairing of existing structures, equipment installation and debugging, as well as the construction of poles, wiring, and connection projects with box transformers. Additionally, the institute will also handle the ground construction of distribution network in Ewo, the installation and commissioning of equipment, overall substation commissioning, live trial operation, performance testing, and the training of local engineers.

Upon its completion, the Boundji-Ewo power project will significantly reduce the reliance on fossil fuels for power generation in the Cuvette-Ouest region, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, effectively alleviate the region's power shortage, and make unique contributions to the improvement of the wellbeing of local people.